I continue to be amazed and frustrated by the number of Kentucky Baptist churches unaware of the KBF’s church investment service, and therefore, have limited themselves to certificates of the deposit and money market accounts as the only investment options available to them. The same is true for church cemetery funds.
I am gratified for the many churches that take advantage of our service as a solution to their investment needs. Through September those churches using a blend of 60% Equity and 40% Fixed received a 13.1% return for the one year period; for the prior periods the annualized returns were: three year 8.6%; five year 7.4%; ten year 6.3%; and twenty year 8.0%.
Of course, past performance does not guarantee future results, but I encourage those churches with investment needs not using the KBF currently to please give us the opportunity to make a presentation to your finance committee, trustees or whatever is the appropriate leadership group. A church may select whatever allocation between the Equity Fund and the Fixed Fund that meets its objective. Also, a church may have as many different accounts as it needs.
Just last week I received a call from a church treasurer who had just learned of our service from Don Spencer, who is the church financial benefits consultant with the KBC Mission Board. This happens from time to time as Don is meeting with churches about their employees’ compensation and benefits and discovers they are looking for investment alternatives to low interest paying certificates of deposit and savings accounts. We appreciate Don’s assisting us in assisting churches. In this case, the church treasurer was so appreciative and relieved to learn of the KBF service. I shall be making a presentation to the church’s finance committee about the details of this service and answer any questions they may have.
Among the hallmarks of our service are: above market returns, below market costs and Christian-based social screening consistent with the moral standards as taught and implied in the Scriptures.
For more information, please call me toll free, or go to our website www.kybaptistfoundation.org and click on “Churches/Other Organizations,” then “Investments.”
The information in this article is provided as general information and is not intended as legal or tax advice. For advice and assistance in specific cases, you should seek the advice of an attorney or other professional adviser.