Thursday, July 11, 2019

Working Together

By: Richard Carnes 

God in his perfect wisdom, created people for relationship with him and to live and work in relationship with each other. In response to a question about success Henry Ford stated, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” When I contemplate this quote, I see many ways Southern Baptists have lived this statement through thousands of Baptist churches and millions of Baptist members, by choosing to voluntarily cooperate and combine their efforts for the building of God’s Kingdom. One of the most obvious examples of this collaboration is the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program enables Southern Baptists to accomplish more for Christ together than we ever could on our own. Cooperative Program funds provide the foundational support for statewide, national and global missions and ministry efforts. What a God inspired example of working in relationship with each other!

May I invite you to join a special group of individuals who have designated future gifts to this vital ministry funding source? These gifts will help ensure future missions, evangelistic, educational and care giving ministries and help enrich and save lives for many years to come. Your legacy gifts directed for the benefit of the Cooperative Program are an investment with eternal implications that will be working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to connect people all over the world to Jesus Christ.

As Southern Baptists, we can rejoice that we’ve “come together,” “kept together,” and “worked together” through the Cooperative Program. When you consider how you may choose to support the Cooperative Program, I encourage you to talk with Kentucky Baptist Foundation staff and your legal and tax advisors who can assist you in determining which legacy gift strategies best achieve your giving goals in light of your overall estate and financial plan.

Richard Carnes is president of the Kentucky Baptist Foundation, PO Box 436389, Louisville, KY 40253;

The information in this article is provided as general information and is not intended as legal or tax advice. For advice and assistance in specific cases, you should seek the advice of an attorney or other professional adviser.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Announcing Retirement of Kentucky Baptist Foundation President Richard Carnes

Richard Carnes, President & CEO, of the Kentucky Baptist Foundation has announced his intention to retire a year from now, effective June 30, 2020, after completing 12 years of service to Kentucky Baptists. Carnes served as the Foundation President and CEO from 1988 to 1995 and has currently served a second term beginning in 2015 as its President and CEO. Mr. Carnes had also served with the Kentucky Baptist Convention Mission Board financial staff from 1982 until 1988.

Mr. Carnes stated, “I am a fortunate individual that has been blessed, not once but twice, to serve in an executive leadership role with the Kentucky Baptist Foundation. The opportunity to serve my Lord and Savior through this stewardship ministry and to be a fellow servant with tremendous men and women of the Foundation Board is an honor and a privilege that I will forever cherish.”

“Each executive, at their own time, begins to contemplate when the baton of leadership should be passed and personal retirement from the daily leadership responsibilities of the office should occur. My wife Karen and I have actively prayed about this decision for several months. As the personal sense of rightness of this decision began to solidify in my heart and mind, I decided this is the right time to inform the KBF Board of Directors of my intent to retire from my position one year from now.”

Mr. Carnes noted that he had “a great sense of satisfaction to report that the KBF is in a healthy relationship position with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and its churches. I discerned soon upon my beginning this most current tour of service with the KBF, that these relationships would be my primary task and the focus of my energies. The leadership of the KBF Board of Directors and the KBC have been a vital part of this effort and I’m confident they feel we’ve advanced the mission of the Foundation. “

Carnes emphasized that “the KBF is blessed to have in place, a solid staff of professionals that foster a wonderful atmosphere of collegiality with each other and a commitment to serve every one of our clients in a Christ-honoring way. I have been honored to be their colleague. Please pray with them and for them as they too walk through this time of transition. The Foundation is also very fortunate to have the benefit of the wise counsel of our long tenured corporate legal counsel, Randy Gibson, and the long-standing professional services of our other external vendors that provide great operational stability.”

KBF board Chair, Charles Barnes, stated that “Richard Carnes was indeed God’s man for this era in the history of KBF’s ministry to Kentucky Baptists. The Kentucky Baptist Foundation, thanks to Richard Carnes’ leadership, is positioned to have a strong impact in providing resources for KBC missions and ministries.”

The KBF Executive Committee will serve as the Search Committee for Carnes’ successor. Information about how to submit a recommendation or application will be announced soon.