Sunday, November 14, 2021

KENTUCKY BAPTIST FOUNDATION: Spur one another on to be bright light for Jesus

By: French Harmon

As I was reading through the scriptures, I came to the passage in Hebrews 10:24-25 — the Lord is encouraging believers to spur one another on to love and good works (NIV). The word “spur” is rooted in the Greek word paroxusmos, which means to provoke or stir-up people. “Let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works” (HCSB). God is making the case for Christ followers to be proactive in their love for the Lord.

In this season where many people are passionate about civil, political and international concerns, let each Christian be reminded of our need to be strong promoters of the grace found in Jesus Christ. I believe God is encouraging Kentucky Baptists to be a bright light for Jesus as we serve Him during these unprecedented times. Consider the following acrostic — S-P-U-R.

S — STAND. Live your life for Jesus by standing in His truth. Philippians 4:1 says to “Stand firm in the Lord.” Read the Bible. Join a Bible study or Sunday school class. In some cases, it's time for people to step up and lead a class. Promote spiritual growth in your church. I want to personally say “thank you” to the wonderful Sunday school teachers throughout my life. I pray for a return to Sunday school attendance so people will be prepared for each season of life.

P — PROMOTE. Of all the things you can be known for, being a church “statesperson” would be a great legacy. Thinking of your church's mission and the “greater good” should compel each member to be flexible, positive and outward focused. The pastor of your church has been through a tough COVID-19 season in ministry. He needs and deserves your support. Become a promoter of your pastor, church harmony and love among the membership.

U — UNLEASH. The Lord is encouraging us to unleash the kindness that comes from serving Him. For me, that includes promoting what we can do together through the Cooperative Program. Working together, I have witnessed what Baptists can do by gathering resources to bring hope to many people in Kentucky and around the world. The Southern Baptist Convention's Cooperative Program is the most ingenious mission strategy the world has ever seen. Let us encourage our church leaders to increase our giving to CP this year.

R — REMEMBER. Proverbs 10:7 tells us “The memory of the righteous is a blessing …” We can become beacons of light and love to this dark world when we remember from where we have come. Reflect and share the great moments of your life. Remember your salvation found in Christ. Remember your baptism. Remember the day you united with your church. Remember the mission trip, the revival or church project that changed your life. These are the conversations we need to have right now.

These are great days for Christians to share His love. Don't grow weary in doing well, in due season you will reap a great harvest (Galatians 6:9). Let's “spur” people on to do good works for Christ!

French Harmon is president of the Kentucky Baptist Foundation.

The information in this article is provided as general information and is not intended as legal or tax advice. For advice and assistance in specific cases, you should seek the advice of an attorney or other professional adviser.

This article was reposted from Kentucky Today.