Tuesday, December 20, 2011

His Heart…Hands…Voice

By: Barry G. Allen- President & CEO

As Christ followers we are called individually to be part of the solution to fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Our churches, as the gathered people of God, also have the missions mandate to extend their witness and ministry beyond their own fellowships.

Acts 1:8 sets forth the scope of our mission task. Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This assignment was not intended to be sequential except for the first-century New Testament church and apostles. Today, this Acts 1:8 assignment of our Lord is intended to be carried out constantly and simultaneously. And that’s exactly what we Kentucky Baptists collectively are doing through our local churches and associations, our Kentucky Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. Cooperation is still the most effective means to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord and to carry out His mission assignment.

Throughout the year we are called upon to focus prayerfully and financially on the different aspects of the Acts 1:8 missions task. The annual Christmas season focus is on international missions (to the ends of the earth) and the Lottie Moon Offering. The Apostle Paul reminded us in Romans 1:14 that we are debtors; because we know the Gospel we “owe” it to those who do not know. Even though sharing the Gospel with the whole world seems at first an intimidating thought, we have been commissioned by our Lord to do it.

How fortunate we Southern Baptists are to have 4,887 persons under appointment with the International Mission Board engaged to the ends of the earth with 763 people groups. How staggering it is to realize there are 3,629 unreached people groups not yet engaged. These are people beyond where most of us can ever go or see, but they are God’s children in need of what we have to offer.

So, extend His heart, hands and voice through your prayers and unprecedented current and deferred giving through the Lottie Moon Offering.

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