Tuesday, May 14, 2013

KBF Partners in Ministry- Sky and Priscilla Tudor

Sky and Priscilla Tudor of Lancaster, Kentucky, two servant hearts beating as one, have gone to extremes in their service to Christ and His mission in this world. While serving 25 years in the armed forces they lived in 13 different houses in 8 different locations and reared two sons, and service to Christ was always an integral part of their lives as it continues to be in their retirement years.

Sky was reared by a single parent in Lancaster along with his two siblings. He was nurtured in the faith and baptized by the Lancaster Baptist Church where, as a young man, he was active in all aspects of the church, including RA’s, choir and bible drills. Upon graduation from Lancaster High School in 1960 he attended Berea College where he met Priscilla France. They married in 1963.

Pris worked while Sky completed his bachelor’s degree, which he received in 1964. Following graduation they moved to Lexington where Sky was an actuarial assistant at the Kentucky Central Life Insurance Company and Pris worked for a construction firm.

The call to military duty came in 1966. Sky attended the U.S. Air Force Officer’s Training School. He first served at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi, but his military service took them to numerous other locations. Everywhere they lived they became involved in the service opportunities of their communities, as well as their churches. From Belleville, Illinois where they taught the youth, to Honolulu, Hawaii where they worked with Boy Scouts, handicapped children and taught a single mother’s class for Navy wives whose husbands were at sea, and other places in between, these two servant hearts were found to have been faithful to Christ’s call to be salt and light.

Sky’s final Air Force assignment was a return to Alaska where he had served two previous assignments. From 1986 to 2005, Sky and Pris served the Lord through the Calvary Baptist Church, Chugach Baptist Association, the Alaska Baptist Convention and the Alaska Baptist Foundation.

The Lord used Priscilla’s journey through breast cancer surgery and chemotherapy in 1993 and the 20 years since as testimony to His amazing grace, strength and healing power. Pris retired from a 30-year career in credit unions and banking. Sky retired and went to work for the Federal Aviation Administration where he was a charter member of the group that tested the next generation of GPS technology that will replace our nation’s radar systems.

In 2005, Sky and Pris followed God’s call back home to Kentucky and quickly became caregivers to Pris’ stepmother and involved actively in the ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church, South District Association and the Kentucky Baptist Convention.

Among the ways this wonderful Christian couple has demonstrated their servant hearts and faithfulness in stewardship was to establish with the KBF the Sky and Priscilla Tudor Endowment Fund for the perpetual benefit of their church, association and a KBC-related ministry near and dear to their hearts. They funded the endowment with a tithe of the portion of the estate Pris received from her stepmother. What a testimony! What a legacy! What a blessing to the multitudes whose lives will be impacted, until Jesus comes again, by their love and generosity.

The KBF is honored to have been selected as the fiduciary of their life-changing legacies for Kingdom advancement. May others emulate what they’ve done as together we seek to connect all men, women, girls and boys to Jesus Christ.

And, by the way, these two servant hearts are planning an 11 week ministry this summer as volunteers in mission work through their previous church in Alaska, hosting mission teams from the lower 48 states.

For more information, please call us at (502) 489-3533 or toll free in KY at 1-(866) 489-3533

The information in this article is provided as general information and is not intended as legal or tax advice. For advice and assistance in specific cases, you should seek the advice of an attorney or other professional adviser.

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